Sunday, September 7, 2008

First Post

This blog is probably not going to be updated very often. I'm not sure what I'll be using it for, but probably a lot of food stuff I do. For my first post I put up The Omnivore's Hundred from Very Good Taste, which is a blog I've heard good things about. The idea is to bold the things that you've eaten, and hopefully you can work through the list before you die.

To round out this post, here's the books I got at Wolfgang Books today!

The first thing that caught my eye was "Pita: The Traditional Way" by Ann C. Cessaris. It's a booklet that comes in at a little over 30 pages about pita and traditional food things that can go in and around pita. I'm really excited to start making some of the recipes in here as they all sound delicious. I'll probably make pita this week as it is literally flour, water, yeast and sugar or honey. If I remember to I'll take pictures and put them up here. If you're interested in picking up a copy for yourself, the only mention of it I can find on line is here, and it's $6 more than I paid, but I think it's still worth it.

The next book I got was a little hardback titled "Hugh Johnson's How To Enjoy Wine", again only $4. I didn't actually look through this, but I literally know next to nothing about wine, so I figured I might as well grab it. I'll read through it eventually and probably post a review up here then. It seems that no one has a picture of the edition I have (1st? dunno, but its from 1985) so the link goes to the newest one I found on from 2006.

The third book I grabbed is a collection titled "Best Food Writing 2007". This, honestly, was a compulsive buy. It was sitting in the 40% off section right in front of the register and I figured that it would be worth it. Looking through the table of contents right now, I can say that it was. There are some amazing titles such as "Waiting for Asparagus", "In Search of the Transcendent Taqueria" "The Frying of Latke 49" (yeah, I know) and, my favorite title, "Death by Lobster Pad Thai". I'm really excited to have the time to crack this one open.

I bought another anthology of food writing, this one titled "Endless Feasts: Sixty Years of Writing From Gourmet". This is basically a collection of snapshots from the past 60 years. Some of the names I recognize from the back cover include James Beard, M.F.K. Fisher and Ray Bradbury. This is another book I'm super stoked to dive into, once I have the time.

Finally, my favorite book from today's outing! I found this delightful book, "Openers" by Amy Nathan, with amazing photography done by Kathryn Kleinman. I love the pictures so much, that it now ranks directly below the French Laundry cookbook in the Most Beautiful Cookbooks I Own Category. This is a collection of small entrees, similar to tapas, that can either be served as appetizers or be grouped with 2-3 others and served as a whole meal. I wish I could find some examples of the photography in this book, because it is absolutely amazing. When I first opened it and saw the picture for "Wild-Rice Pancakes with Shredded Duck and Gewürztraimer Sauce" I knew I had to get it. Luckily, Wolfgang is amazing and it was only $5! I went through all the pictures and I can't wait to start cooking from this! I'm thinking of asking these people who live a street over from the house if I could have 2 of their pumpkins for the "Pumpkin-Leek Soup" that opens the book.

I guess that's all for now, hopefully I'll remember to take some pictures when I make pita this week, but who knows.

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