Sunday, September 21, 2008

Soup soup soup!

I got sick on Friday, so after classes I went shopping and came home with around $25 of vegetables. Potatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, shallot, parsley, celery, turnips and mushrooms were all gathered from Redners to be made into delicious soups. On the menu were a chicken vegetable soup and a vegetable soup (for my vegetarian friends). Unfortunately I felt like crap and forgot to take pictures.
I have had a whole chicken in my freezer for a couple months now, and decided that it would be perfect to make stock with it! I took it out of the freezer and pulled out the bag of guts or whatever, then chucked it into the oven for an hour or so. After this I put the whole bird into a pot with salt, a cluster of oregano and water and proceeded to make stock!
While the stock was working its magic on itself, I started prep for the two soups. I sliced up the mushrooms and onions and then roasted them in a little bit of veggie oil. This was the first time I tried it and I'm definitely going to continue to do so, it really brings out flavor in them! For the potatoes I diced them up and threw oil and some lemon pepper on them and roasted them after the mushrooms and onions were done.
I diced or sliced up the carrots, garlic, shallots, celery and turnips and set them aside. By now the stock was chickeny enough, so I took out the bird and let it cool down. I put water into another pot and threw another bunch of fresh oregano, as well as some salt, into that. I chucked the carrots, turnips, garlic, shallots into both pots and cranked the heat! After a little while I dumped in the celery, onion, mushrooms and potatoes and lowered it down to low.
An hour later these soups were sooo delicious! I cracked some freshly ground pepper into them and ate and slurped away.
I also decided to make "bruschetta" out of tomato, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, parsley, oregano and basil. I just sliced up the tomato and finely diced the onion and garlic and mixed all of it together and let it sit in the fridge for an hour or so. Then I threw it on some bread slices and toasted that in the oven. I know it isn't traditional bruschetta at all, but I really don't have another name for it. It is amazingly delicious though, and whenever I make it at parties it gets devoured so quickly.

That's all for now. Hopefully next time I'll be able to throw some pictures up for you (whoever is reading this) guys. Later!

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